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Семинар на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке «Integrated Approach for Upgrading Poor Urban Areas»

Посольство Государства Израиль в РФ

Министерство Иностранных дел

Государства Израиль,

Центр международного сотрудничества "МАШАВ"


Международный семинар на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке

"Integrated Approach for Upgrading Poor Urban Areas"

12.03.2012 - 05.04.2012


· Introductory Sessions: Slums in the urban development context, Integrated assets based strategic approach to urban development

· Slum upgrading – UN-Habitat experience: Key factors for successful slum upgrading, Obstacles and barriers to slum upgrading, Approach, experience, lessons learnt and tools from UN-Habitat's programs

· Urban Areas Revitalization – the Israeli Experience: The Israeli context – features, processes and indicators of urban poverty; Policies and strategies: Urban Renewal, Clearance and Construction, Infill - and their relevancy to developing countries

· Implementation Mechanisms: Local and national planning, management tools and legal frameworks; Organizational platforms for planning, implementation and management; Developing institutional capacities; The role of the different stakeholders – central and local government, civil society and private sector

· Slum upgrading and service delivery from different angels: The public sector – improving living conditions, empowering communities, small-scale infrastructure development and social services through urban upgrading; the private sector – financial opportunities with benefits to the public, project management; civil society – building community resilience, participation and empowerment to ensure benefits for the community


The training targets planners, architects, engineers, economists, community workers, administrators and policy makers working in government ministries (such as local government, housing, development, welfare, health and others), in local authorities, NGOs and CBOs active in the field, as well as business organizations and academic institutions engaged with slum upgrading programs.

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Документы должны быть присланы в Посольство по электронной почте mashav@moscow.mfa.gov.il или mashav-moscow@mail.ru

не позднее19.02.2012

Условия участия в конкурсе и необходимые документы http://moscow.mfa.gov.il/mfm/web/main/document.asp?DocumentID=22214&MissionID=78

Все курсы МАШАВ http://moscow.mfa.gov.il/mfm/web/main/document.asp?SubjectID=18049&MissionID=78&LanguageID=370&StatusID=0&DocumentID=-1

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