
Главная —  —  — Семинар на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке «Special and Inclusive Education»

Семинар на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке «Special and Inclusive Education»

Посольство Государства Израиль в РФ

Министерство Иностранных дел

Государства Израиль,

Центр международного сотрудничества "МАШАВ"


Международный семинар на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке


21.05.2012 - 14.06.2012


· Presentation of the policies established by the Division of Special Education in the State of Israel

· New angles on the concepts "Special Education" and "Person with Special Needs" (in contrast with "disabled person").

· Presentation of the different sub-divisions in the special education, such as education for visually impaired, hearing impaired, autistics, mental impaired, etc.

· Presentation of the policies regarding to early detection and placement of the people with special needs in the proper institution for him/her, within the frame of the Division of Special Education

· Learning to design a curriculum based on good practices from the perspective of development.

· Presenting methods and activities which empower the student with special needs to speak out for himself (Self advocacy

· Practices to motivate and empower teachers to improve teaching skills:

· Self confidence, self-learning and self-assessment

· Teaching skills and tools to implement the curriculum

· Establishing contacts with other teachers and educators to increase awareness and expand the ideas and opinions

· Analysis of the role and place of educational personnel in national awareness of the subject and against discrimination

· Knowing new frameworks and methods for using the Internet as a database of information and also as an interface for working with the students with special needs

· Allowing creative thinking to be part of the day to day work- as an attitude and as a tool of work.

Расходы на проживание и питание

берет на себя израильская сторона.

Участники семинараоплачивают дорогув Израиль

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Документы должны быть присланы в Посольство по электронной почте mashav@moscow.mfa.gov.il или mashav-moscow@mail.ru

не позднее18.04.2012

Условия участия в конкурсе и необходимые документы http://moscow.mfa.gov.il/mfm/web/main/document.asp?DocumentID=22214&MissionID=78

Все курсы МАШАВ http://moscow.mfa.gov.il/mfm/web/main/document.asp?SubjectID=18049&MissionID=78&LanguageID=370&StatusID=0&DocumentID=-1

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